Link to Transit with Deeplinks and Smart Banners


Transit seamlessly weaves the different pieces of riding transit into the best all-in-one app, but maybe you have a separate mobile ticketing app? A microtransit app? Or a “see something, say something” safety app? Perhaps your local university has an app for students? Riders should be able to easily swing between your apps without going on a wild goose chase. Fortunately, deeplinks can open Transit directly from other apps.

Lots of agencies have already jumped in by adding deeplinks to Transit from microtransit or ticketing apps, like RTS in Rochester, the RTC in Las Vegas, Calgary Transit, and NICE on Long Island. The University of Minnesota Duluth and UMass Amherst have added them in student apps, too. Drop us a line and we can show you how to set one up yourself.

Smart banners on your website

Your website is your digital front door. But when riders find your website on their phones, most of the time they just want to know where their bus is. That’s what Transit is for! So add a smart banner on your mobile website that directs them to the app.

Agencies like LA Metro, CATA in Lansing, and Tri Delta Transit have already done it. Want to see how? Check our step-by-step instructions.

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